
This Privacy Policy governs the collection and processing of your personal data by FUTIT SERVICES SL (hereinafter “FUTIT”) as a user of the website accessible at (hereinafter the “WEBSITE”), including the services available on the WEBSITE. This applies unless there are specific provisions in certain sections, forms or services on the WEBSITE that provide additional information and, in some cases, require your consent.

FUTIT reserves the right to make changes to our Privacy Policy to comply with new laws, court decisions and current practices on our WEBSITE. We will always take into account your rights and interests. In any case, we will provide the necessary technical means to enable you to access the Privacy Policy and comply with our obligations to inform you adequately.

The party responsible for the processing of your data is FUTIT SERVICES SL with address at C/ Eustasio Amilibia nº 10, 7º, Puerta 4, 20011 Donostia, Spain, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Gipuzkoa and C.I.F. n° B75117705, under which it has registered the Etendo brand, with registration number 018565712.

For any question related to the Privacy Policy and/or the treatment of your personal data, you can contact us at the postal address indicated above and/or through the e-mail address

Personal data collection

The data that we handle in FUTIT comes from you and is obtained in the following ways

  1. Through the forms you complete while browsing our website or through other channels, such as registering as a user on our website (if applicable), contact forms and forms related to product and/or service offers.
    2. Through the sending of e-mails or inquiry messages by you.
    3. When you subscribe to our newsletter.

In the event that the personal data provided belongs to another person, you agree to inform that person about our Privacy Policy and to obtain his or her authorization to provide his or her data to FUTIT for the purposes described below.


Additionally, we inform you that we may treat your social network data through the corporate profiles that FUTIT maintains in each social network in which we are present, in accordance with the terms and conditions of each social network.


The data we handle at FUTIT are those that you have provided to us during your navigation on our website, through the forms we use to interact with you, or by email. We may also collect data through FUTIT’s corporate profiles on social networks where we are present, either under the name FUTIT or ETENDO SOFTWARE.


Specifically, at FUTIT we process the following categories of data:


1. Identifying and contact data, such as first name, last name, postal and e-mail address, telephone number, language, country, name of the company to which you belong and your position in that company, among others.
2. Identification codes and passwords as a registered user of our website (if applicable).
3. Internet browsing data, such as IP address, visits to web pages, connections to Wi-Fi networks, the browser version you use, the pages of our website that you visit, the date and time of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

Treatment of your personal data

The processing of your personal data has the following main purposes:

  1. To administer and process your registration as a user on our website, where possible and necessary.
    2. To facilitate your access to and use of the content and services offered by FUTIT and/or ETENDO through the website, which includes services such as the blog, social networks and any other functions available on the website that are incorporated into the website.
    3. To manage the contracting of products or services that you may make through the FUTIT website and to maintain, manage and monitor the contractual relationship that you establish with us as a customer of our products or services.
    4. Process and manage any request for information, suggestions, complaints or claims you make through the website or by e-mail.
    5. Send you commercial and advertising communications from FUTIT and its ETENDO brand by various means, including electronic means, related to products, services, offers, promotions and any other relevant information, provided that you have given your consent to do so.
    6. Manage your subscription to our newsletter service and send you the corresponding electronic communications, provided that you have given your consent to receive them.

The processing of your personal data by FUTIT is based on the following grounds, in accordance with the regulations in force:

  1. Your consent, which you give by voluntarily providing your personal data through the means enabled on the website.
    2. The relationship established with us in cases of contracting our products and services.
    3. FUTIT’s legitimate interest.

It is important to note that, in situations where the processing of your data is based on your consent, you have the right to revoke it at any time and free of charge, as explained in the following section.

In some cases, the personal data mentioned in this Privacy Policy may be accessible to staff of FUTIT subsidiaries in other countries. This access is always carried out with the same privacy and security purposes and precautions as if it were carried out by our own local staff, ensuring that all safeguards and protections mentioned in this policy continue to apply.

To ensure the security of data protection in the limited and temporary data transfers that may occur to provide access, we use the European Union Standard Contractual Clauses to establish links between our affiliates.

Importantly, unless explicitly mentioned, we do not sell, trade or otherwise transfer your personal data to third parties. However, we may share or disclose information that is aggregated or anonymized for research purposes or to analyze trends and statistics with third parties.

Retention of personal data

As a general rule, your personal data will remain stored until you revoke your consent to its processing or request its deletion. In addition, they will be kept for the time necessary to comply with the legal obligations that FUTIT must fulfill.

We also inform that FUTIT has internal policies to manage the deletion of data, with the objective of controlling the retention periods of the personal data in its possession. This means that data may be deleted when it is no longer necessary or suitable for the purpose for which it was collected.

Derechos del usuario

Data protection regulations grant you certain rights related to your personal information that you can exercise during its processing. These rights are listed below:

1. Right of Access: You have the right to access your personal data to find out what information we are using about you.

2. Right of Correction or Deletion: In certain circumstances, you may correct inaccurate personal data we are using or ask us to delete your data, especially if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we collect it.

3. Right to Limit Processing: In some circumstances, you may request that we limit the use of your data. In this case, we will only keep it to defend or exercise claims, as provided by data protection law.

4. Right to Data Portability: On certain occasions, you may request to receive your personal data in a format that is easy to read and process, and you have the right to transmit it to another data controller.

5. Right to Object to Processing: In particular situations and for specific reasons, you have the right to object to the processing of your data. In this case, we would stop processing your data, unless there are legitimate reasons to keep it, or it is necessary for legal defense.

These rights give you control over your personal information and how it is used. You can exercise them as set out in the applicable data protection regulations.

In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your prior consent.

You may exercise these rights by submitting a written request to FUTIT and/or ETENDO, using the following postal address: C/ Eustasio Amilibia nº 10, 7º, Puerta 4, 20011 Donostia, Spain, or by sending an e-mail to

Finally, we inform you that if you are not satisfied with the exercise of your rights, you have the option to file a complaint with the competent Control Authority. In Spain, this authority is the Spanish Data Protection Agency, and you can contact them through their website at

Safety measures

FUTIT will always keep your data strictly confidential and will comply with the legal duty to keep it secret, in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. We will take all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your data and prevent any alteration, loss, unauthorized use or unauthorized access. This will be done taking into account the technology available, the nature of the data stored and the possible risks to which they may be exposed.