At Etendo, we work so that you and your company can innovate without limits

Our software is flexible, extensible and scalable. Like LEGO pieces: you build what you need in a simple and customizable way, so you can innovate in your company.

Etendo is more than an ERP

It offers you compatibility with any process and adapts to your industry and any business model. Etendo is the operating system used by companies that need to take a step forward in innovation and quality.

We have a network of partners and strategic allies around the world

They can help you implement the software. We strive for simplicity in everything we develop to help Etendo partners, developers and end users achieve their goals.

Etendo works with Artificial Intelligence

To support your team at any time. With our technology, you will be able to make better decisions and optimize your processes.

Choose Etendo

Take your business to the next level

Our platform is secure, stable and with the necessary flexibility to adapt and integrate with e-commerce systems, data analysis, human resources management and much more.

Be global

Work from anywhere and access the platform from a desktop browser or our mobile app. Configure your Etendo environment according to your needs, our software is multilingual and multicurrency, and is able to adapt to your country's accounting system easily.

The solution and the support you need

We build customized modules to offer you a personalized platform adapted to your needs. Our partners work alongside you to provide support at every stage of the development process and are there for you whenever you need them. In addition, you can count on Bastian, the Etendo GPT chatbot that supports you in your learning process and allows you to solve all your doubts about the platform so that you can take full advantage of its full potential.

A flexible platform

Etendo is able to adapt to your type of industry and the size of your business. The platform offers the possibility to add the modules you need, such as purchasing, production, warehouse, sales, finance, accounting, project management, human resources and more. Currently, customers in agribusiness, production, distribution and product logistics have already adopted Etendo. Sales teams, accounting firms and specialized industries have also adopted Etendo as the essential platform to develop their business and maximize their potential.

Etendo is an operating system designed to drive innovation and quality in companies

Etendo is:


Easily integrates with other software and applications ensuring compatibility at all times.


Uses open source code to easily scale and ensure the quality and performance your business needs as it grows.


You can customize the software according to the specific needs of each company and easily connect new modules.


It is constantly updated with new versions to keep it secure and error-free.


Tools based on artificial intelligence are added to offer immediate and revolutionary solutions to the platform.


It can be extended and modified to add new functionalities according to the size and type of industry.

Bastian is a chat based on Artificial Intelligence. It was designed to help you every time you interact with our platform.

Bastian knows all the functionalities and everyone in your company will be able to access it as a source of consultation.

Learn more about us

We are a company formed by a young team, energetic and experienced in cutting-edge technologies.

We are betting on the future.

We work with a curious and innovative team that has embarked on an exciting journey into the world of Artificial Intelligence to improve our ERP development process, to streamline processes, improve efficiency and deliver better solutions to our customers.

We have developed several voice-based AI tools, leveraging chatbots powered by LLM models such as GPT for QA review, and using AI to assist with documentation creation and generation through tools such as

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Your creativity Your company, Your ideas,  our software



We are LEGO of business software.

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